Family Responsibilities
Welcome to our parent participation preschool! Here, each family plays a vital role in the success and upkeep of our program and facility. To ensure smooth operations, we ask that all caregivers meet specific obligations. When every family fulfills their commitments, we can thrive together as a strong and united community. Please take a moment to understand your responsibilities as you consider how our program can best support your family's needs.
Adult School Component
As RPEP members, caregivers are enrolled as Roseville Adult School students, complete ADA hours by meeting the participation requirements of the co-op, and help them attain annual goals. Bi-monthly mandatory business and education meetings, held at Roseville High school, the second Tuesday from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.
School Job
Each family plays a vital role by taking a job each year, whether it’s serving in leadership positions like president or treasurer, or supporting essential tasks like purchasing and alumni relations. Your contributions not only enhance our community but also help keep our tuition low.
School Maintenance
Each family is required to attend two, four-hour maintenance days per school year which are focused on the upkeep of the school facility. They are typically held every other month during the school year on a Saturday morning.
Participation in our mandatory fundraising events is essential for supporting RPEP and keeping costs affordable for all families. These efforts directly fund scholarships, music programs, and various enrichment activities throughout the year. Additionally, families can contribute through event support, raffle ticket sales, and soliciting donations.